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Cityville Cheats  Cash Cheats To Help You Complete Your Buildings New
Credits: astuceville, Pwnthis.net
and me: My Facebook
1. Open Charles
2. Enter CityVille [ Play Now ]
3. Go to Charles first and find the line “http://fb-client-0.cityville.zynga.com
4. Expand it and you will see ‘flashservices/’
5. Expand and you will see a lot of gateway.php(FlashService…)
6. Right click any of the gateway.php and select “Breakpoints”
7. Now, reload CityVille.
8. A Breakpoint tab will appear in Charles.
9. Press EXECUTE once.
10. Another breakpoint will appear with an Edit Request tab
11. Click on EDIT REQUEST > AMF
12. Expand everything till you can see your own profile with the number of coins and cash that you have. (watch video to understand this step better)
13. Change the cash value to 100
14. Go back to your session tab and remove the breakpoint.
15. Go back to the breakpoint tab and Click Execute
16. The game will now load and you should see your new cash. Spend them on the community buildings now as they will disappear.

Yazar Hakkında: Onur Batur
2012 Yılının Haziran Ayında Onur BATUR Tarafından Kurularak Yayın Hayatına Teknoloji Ve İnternet Haberleri Kategorileri Öncelikli Olarak Basladı. Kısa Sürede Hızlı Ve Doğrusal Bir Yükselis Sağlayan Teknoloji Ve İnternet Haberleri Kategorileri Dısında 7 Farklı Kategoride İcerikler Üretmektedir.

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Diffusé par Adcash
Diffusé par Adcash
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