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Zynga New Game ChefVille

Zynga's new game is introduced to users today. Zynga ChefVille'den very hopeful that a restaurant önetim game. You want to create in the kitchen, cooking in the context of many features that offer the ability to install and interact with friends ChefVille, cooking and presenting issues, especially those who are willing to be a game to play in front of us so fondly. Culinary cultures of the world removed from the game forward significantly, from setting up a kitchen allows you to go to the point of bringing about a popular restaurant. For a lot of fun while you do that in the present and many details. ChefVille which allows you to visit your restaurant to your friends, like Zynga receivable place among the most popular games. The keyword of the game: to play. Save your recipes with materials similar to the game, providing meals. Zynga is the logic of real-life neighbor or neighbors to ask for help ask for a cup of sugar is encouraging. Zynga's a real source of inspiration in this game seems to have found this structure are accustomed to.

Approximately 200 recipes are in the game, nearly 50 of them in daily life consists of frequent meals.
Official facebook page of the game; https://www.facebook.com/ChefVille
Game to try; https://apps.facebook.com/chefville/

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Yazar Hakkında: Onur Batur
2012 Yılının Haziran Ayında Onur BATUR Tarafından Kurularak Yayın Hayatına Teknoloji Ve İnternet Haberleri Kategorileri Öncelikli Olarak Basladı. Kısa Sürede Hızlı Ve Doğrusal Bir Yükselis Sağlayan Teknoloji Ve İnternet Haberleri Kategorileri Dısında 7 Farklı Kategoride İcerikler Üretmektedir.

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